Pop Lock and Drop It

Wow. What a boring yet fanastic day!! Started off with the same disgustingly bland food that everyone gags on as it goes down (awesome) than moves on to being yelled at and herded into buses. Oh, what fun.

We had this really important speaker, Mister Chuck Todd, who is the Chief White House Correspondant (rocking). Unfortunately, my brain was COMPLETELY dead and the only way that I was able to stay awake is to make hilarious doodles in my book; no joke, they are laugh evoking. I like what he had to say though… it was just hard to focus.

Now, when Dean Andrew Flagel spoke, EVERYONE was awake, no question about it. He is an amazing speaker; I can’t believe that he’s not a legit comedian. He really helped with some of the questions I had about college, too. It was nice to hear about another topic other than like politics (ugh).

The mall was pretty schweet. It’s too bad we didn’t have more time, because it was kinda like, “Eat, look, buy like one thing, get back on the bus on time or you die!” It was a really nice mall, though.

Ok, I’m not even sure how I can be nice about the Capitol situation. Everything  appeared like it hadn’t been planned out very well, people (not naming names but would like to say that this said person needs to take a chill pill) were freaking out about the stupidest stuff and yelling at everyone. Not appreciated. The movie that they show before the tour was perhaps the best part of the whole shabang. Tour guide=sucked. Tour=sucked. OhMyGod, our tour guide was in such a bad mood! It was horrible! He was all perschnikity and crap… I really wanted to be like, “Dude, what’s up your butt?” He definitely was not fun.

Than we got to enjoy more disorder. Walk around the Capitol, pose, wait don’t pose, pose individually, pose again. Argh!! It was hot out there and we weren’t allowed to strip to our tank tops!! That’s like torture!

We finally managed to escape the madness and get back on the nice, airconditioned bus. Ahhhhh… This is when the day begins to look amazing. Announcement, “Hour of free time.” Our faces must have been hilarious. Free time? What is this, free time? I’m not sure if I completely understand what you’re talking about. Repeat, please? The Free Time was exactly what we all needed; rejuvinated, we went to dinner and actually were able to talk without forgetting the topic halfway through a sentance due to glue-filled brains. What amazingness.

It turns out that about 45 minutes after we left the Capitol, a 35 year old guy was shot by police for being stupid w/ a gun and a regular traffic stop. Genius. Well, this sent parents into an uproar. Is my child still alive? Why haven’t I heard from you? I don’t know mom, maybe because I just found out about it myself? Obviously I’m ok. Ugh. Ridiculous. Well, I hadn’t called my mom before dinner, and we were joking around about how I should not call and ignore her messages (evil, I know) when the kid across from us at dinner whips out his phone and calls his mom. “Hi Mom. You know how our phones have chips that let us use other phones? Yea, that’s what I’m doing; I’m using a friends phone. The craziest thing happened to me. My cell phone gotIntenseness shot! It was in my breast coat pocket when this guy just started shooting… it saved my life!…. Say something. I love you mom! Yea, they took me to the hospital but I’m ok. Yea. Na, I’m just kidding. *giggle*” Quite hilarious… everyone around us was cracking up.
We then got to go to more boring sessions (the only boring part of the evening) and I got to say the closing remarks. Schweet!
Then decided not to do the training thing but to have our amazing group leader teach us about journalism and what questions we should ask for the press conference tomorrow. It ended up breaking down into a dance session that didn’t end till about 10:58… Sooo much fun. Tomorrow’s dance is going to be rocking! Team awesome is going to be the best group there… be jealous!

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