Whoa. Today was the first uber long day, and I’m sooo tired. Breakfast was like zombie world, “Mutter mutter. Coffee. Eggs. Mutter mutter. Ugh.” Than we had a meeting with our group (difficult to do wen everyone’s dead on their feet); we got sidetracked a lot! It definitely didn’t help that the speaker, Mister Wes Pippert, was a major snore. Sorry, but he was; he kept going on these tangents that had nothing to do about what the question was… there were quite a few people who were having a hard time focusing, myself included.
Basically after that it all got better. We got on buses with box lunches (though they were really more like tuperware containers, but who’s complaining?) and had a driver that was like, “Stop! Go! Let’s see how many people I can get to hit their heads on the seat infront of them! Bwahahahah!” Actually, she probably wasn’t that evil, but she was driving really bad.
OhMyGod! The Newseum (which isn’t called that because it’s new, just for your information) was really cool. I want to go back there, because I didn’t get to see all the floors. We did discover that there are Obama Fingerpuppets, Dolls, and Bobbleheads… He’s like a sports star!
They had this really good speaker talk to us about the history of journalism… it was really cool. It was a little bit rushed; I wish I had had more time to appreciate everything. It was kinda a hit and run thing. When we came back it was still pretty rushed… argh. But we went over to the media center and did these interviews (they definitely need more time for that), and that was hilarious!!
And by dinner time I’m pretty sure you could have served us junk and we would have eaten it. Actually, not as hungry as yesterday, but it was close. Yummy food, blah blah blah… More speakers!! This time they have FIVE speakers (trying to keep us interested), and I think my fav was the professor; he was really cool. I would go to this school just for him (not really, but I would love to sit in on his class).
Then briefing, aka Bachelorette, and runs to the convience store. Nasty slushies, melting ice cream, flying munchies. Amazing. Met a kid from South Carolina who is major cool… we were cracking up like the whole time. Fun Fun. Waking up tomorrow is going to be terrible; we leave campus at 6:45… just saying that number is like a horrible thing. It sends shivers down your spine and makes your head ache. You really hope that there’s no morning people who talk a lot and laugh loudly near you; I hate mornings, and it would not go well. :] Am really excited for the museums tomorrow!! Though the schedule looks crazy, it’s gonna be crazy fun! (wow, how cheezy can I get, right?)